Birth of Maddison
I knew I was close to meeting her and I felt very capable of the final stages, which were so memorable.
My waters broke on Friday morning at 6am, I hadn't experienced any waves at this point, and I didn't for quite a few hours afterwards. When they started getting more intense and frequent we set up the living room with dim lights, candles and relaxed music, I used my breathing techniques to get through each wave. After an hour or so of very powerful waves we called the birth centre who advised us to go in, although when asked, I couldn't confirm as much movement as usual so to be safe they said would need to monitor baby's movements.
The journey to the hospital was very quick and I managed to stay calm and on top of my waves, however due to covid restrictions, my partner couldn't stay with me whilst I was being monitored and there was no space on either the birthing suite or the labour ward so I had to wait in triage until there was space where unfortunately things slowed right down, I was unable to create the relaxing environment I wanted and my partner was sent home and would be called to come back once they had a room for me. Although the waves were spread out they were so intense, after I consented to an examination I was told baby was in a back to back position which maybe the reason the waves were more powerful. I found it best to walk the corridor and when I had one to lean my hands on the wall and channel the use of my breathing.
After some time I was moved to a general ward for the night as there still wasn't any space on the labour ward or birthing suite which although was very disappointing, couldn't be helped. I had decided at this point I would consider some pain relief. After a few tough hours had passed, at 8am on the Saturday morning a lovely midwife came and said there was now a room on the labour ward for me and I call my partner to be with me which was music to my ears and oxytocin soon started flowing the moment he could be with me again. From this point on my partner could inform the midwives of my preferences and coach me through my breathing.
By this point my waters had broken over 24 hours ago, I was medically required to go on a drip to make sure I wasn't at risk of infection.
From this point on everything moved very quickly with the help of gas and air and my breathing I soon became fully dilated. Instinct kicked in and I knew I was ready to push, there was no time for the pain relief I had requested and more importantly I didn't feel like I needed it anymore, I knew I was close to meeting her and I felt very capable of the final stages, which were so memorable. The moment she came out I just couldn't contain my emotions, we were both overjoyed.
My partner sat and had skin to skin with her as I birthed the placenta and then we were allowed to spend some time together as a family before he had to leave.
Although this wasn't the birth I had visualised for myself (mainly disrupted by covid restrictions and no room on the wards) the course also prepared me for alternative situations which came in very handy when things didn't go the way I had hoped.
The course helped us so much in preparing us and I honestly don't think I would have coped half as well as I did in such difficult circumstances without it.
Sarah, Yorkshire